Solar Technology Used in Our Systems


Our Systems now Utilize MPPT Technology in their system, both MPPT and PWM controllers use advanced computer technology in taking electricity from Solar Panels/Wind Generator/Hydro Generator and feed the energy into a battery bank and help prevent overcharging of the battery bank, there are subtle differences in how they work:

The charge controller circuit of a MPPT controller (Maximum Power Point Tracking) unit is designed to convert the voltage from your solar or wind power sources to the optimum for maximum transfer of power to the battery/grid/ inverter.

A PWM charge controller does not operate to optimize power transfer to the batteries; it is optimized to extend the life of the batteries. By applying higher voltage in short bursts a PWM controllers essentially cleans off the lead plates that are a central part of the battery storage system. It is about 1/3 to 1/2 less than the cost of a MPPT controller.

MPPT is up to 30% more efficient at transferring power vs PWM...but PWM is better for batteries. Since batteries are the most expensive part of a solar system, the argument is that it is better to buy a few more solar panels than to replace all of the batteries at an earlier time. However, if a user is monitoring their battery usage so that it rarely drops below 50%, and never below 35% then MPPT is a better way to go.

* Estimates are based on average appliance usage. Times may vary depending upon size of appliances/equipment/pumps, the electrical needs of the equipment, the age of the equipment, the type of equipment, the environment (heat/cold/humidity), etc. Please note that though portable systems can run small Air Conditioning units and space heaters, it will only be for a short period of time due to power management requirements. For example; One 12v 100hr battery holds approximately 1000 watts of electrical power at 70 º F . Two such batteries would be 2000 watts of power. Most small space heaters and AC units use 1000-1500 watts per hour.


 Nano Coating for Solar Panels

Make you solar panels 10%--35% more efficient

Solar Panels --in the field with the patented PLT Enhancement treatment on them-- have been shown to produce 10%--35% more energy than untreated panels in the same field. 

  • Save $$ on cleaning costs...(50%--75+%)
  • 20 year warranty!
  • Not only does the treatment produce more energy from your panels, but it also helps clear atmospheric pollution. ​Things like Carbon Monoxide, Benzene, Nitrogen Dioxide, Hydrocarbons, smog, etc.)
  • The more panels treated...the more money you make.
  • Pays for itself often in less than a year. (Depending on how dirty an environment your panels are in, how much sun they get.)

HOW DOES IT WORK: The treatment uses two specialized formulas (one is patented and the other is proprietary) to permanently bond a micro thin layer of Enhanced Titanium Dioxide Nano Particles to the surface of the solar panel. This layer of Titanium Dioxide particles, when exposed to the sun, helps the solar panel absorb photons from the sun, immediately increasing it's efficiency up to 13%. Additionally, the photocatalytic action of the patented TiO2 formula eliminates static electricity from the surface of the panel. This has two effects: First, it is static electricity that attracts and holds dust, dirt, oil, pollution, etc. to the panels glass surface. With no static electricity... the panel stays much, much cleaner longer. Secondly, when water hits the panel, the photocatalytic action eliminates the surface tension of the water droplet. Water surface tension & static electricity is what holds the water to the panel. With no attraction, water just flows off quickly and easily, carrying "gravity held" dirt and pollution along with it. This action is called "hydrophilic" as opposed to the normal "hydrophobic" beading/sticking action of water. (For more information on the patented TiO2 formulations and how they work, go to www.PURE-LIGHT.COM)

*Only Total Solar is licensed by Pure Light to apply their patented solar panel treatment process.